Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a homeschool “pioneer” nearly forty years ago? Have you ever scratched your head and marveled at how someone could homeschool for three or more decades? Do you ever wish you had an older mama to tell you all the things she did right, wrong, or in between? Then look no more! You have found all of that in Donna Reish’s (aka language arts lady’s) “Our Homeschool History.” A chronological look in ten-minute, bite-sized audios (and videos at YouTube/Instagram) of what our family learned and did during our thirty-two years of homeschooling and home growing our seven children. https://www.languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Sunday Jan 30, 2022
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I continue to teach about the Five Paragraph Essay (or as I call it—the 1-3-1). Five paragraph essays have a lot more to them than simply being able to write an opening paragraph, three paragraphs for the body, and a closing paragraph!
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks!
All of my digital books
How I Teach YouTube Channel
How I Teach Podcast

Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I teach one of my favorites (okay, just about all writing projects are my favorites!)---the Five Paragraph Essay. Five paragraph essays have gotten a little bit of a bum rap in my opinion. Students dread them, and teachers often think they are difficult to teach (especially when they move into more persuasive types). I think just the opposite! I think five paragraph essays are super fun—and actually easy to teach because of their formulaic nature. (Sort of like---give me a list of exactly what tasks you want me to do, and I’m on it! 😉)
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Helping Kids Write Christmas Thank-You Cards - How I Teach
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Sunday Jan 02, 2022
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I teach the important lesson of helping kids write Christmas thank-you cards. Writing thank-you cards can be challenging for adults, much less for kids. Kids often do not feel that they have the penmanship/dexterity skills to write thank-you cards neatly. They often feel like they don’t know what to say on their message.
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Monday Dec 20, 2021
Time Management and The Prioritizing Planner (II of II)- How I Teach
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I continue teaching about one of my top ten favorite things: time management. Specifically, time management for teachers, parents, and teaching parents!
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks!
All of my digital books
How I Teach YouTube Channel
How I Teach Podcast

Monday Dec 13, 2021
Time Management and The Prioritizing Planner - How I Teach
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Monday Dec 13, 2021
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I talk about one of my top ten favorite things: time management. With the new year upon us, people are often looking for time management techniques, especially teachers and parents. So I thought this topic would be perfect to end the year 2021 with—and take us into 2022 with more tools and coaching to meet our goals!
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Friday Dec 10, 2021
Friday Dec 10, 2021
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I teach how I teach beginning story writing for upper elementary and middle school students. Beginning story writing is often challenging for young writers. They often do not understand the elements of story writing (even if given instructions—which can often be vague), so they end up writing a re-telling at best or a hybrid story/essay.
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Writing Boxes for Elementary Grades With Frosty...How I Teach
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I talk about a subject that is near and dear to my heart—-making elementary writing (and learning in general) easier for the littles!
Here is what you’ll learn in this episode:
*The importance of the “words lead to sentences; sentences lead to paragraphs; paragraphs lead to reports, essays, and stories” approach to teaching writing (as opposed to the “100 word” assignment
*How stories (and especially familiar ones) lead to a better outcome in teaching students to outline and write from a given source
*How to pick content to use with the Writing Boxes process—-the importance of focusing not just on “readability” level but also the “write-ability” level of text for students to write from (including the need for simple sentences without too much elaboration so that students can add the elaboration themselves)
*How the Writing Boxes bring in some boundaries that help students focus on one sentence at a time when they aren’t ready for long paragraphs yet
*How amazed students are when they do the Writing Boxes for each sentence of a paragraph then bring those sentences together to create a paragraph that is more detailed than the source they wrote from!
*How much students love doing Writing Boxes
*Why Writing Boxes are the perfect first writing exercises for second and third grade students!
*Oh…and how much full samples/Answer Keys for every single Writing Box sentence so teachers don’t have to have a thesaurus or app open when helping students with Writing Boxes
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I teachers, parents, and teaching parents how to utilize a model story to teach Twice Told Tales (TTT) short story writing. A Twice Told Tales short story is one in which students are given a model of a popular story and instructed in how to write another tale that has a similar plot and ending but has a different setting, different characters, different obstacles, and more. Twice Told Tales are fun to teach and fun to write!
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks!
All of my digital books
How I Teach YouTube Channel
How I Teach Podcast

Monday Nov 08, 2021
100+ Prepositions by Their Purposes and Within Categories - How I Teach
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I delve into the concept of a lengthy, thorough, and useful prepositions list for students. Prepositions lists usually consist of a jingle, rhyme, or chant that involves memorizing 20-30 prepositions. When students are taught prepositions lists via this method, they seldom actually know what prepositions are, why they should learn them, what they will do with them once they are learned, and how to write with them.
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks!
All of my digital books
How I Teach YouTube Channel
How I Teach Podcast

Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
How I Teach…Before and After Character Description With Scrooge - How I Teach
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Tuesday Nov 02, 2021
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I share how I teach a character analysis using a simple two-paragraph model for high school students. Character analysis can be difficult to teach—students often do not grasp what they are looking for in a character in order to analyze the character. In the Before and After Character Description project, students learn to analyze a character by comparing characteristics, mannerisms, tone, words, and actions from one period of time in a certain setting to another period of time in that same setting.
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393