Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a homeschool “pioneer” nearly forty years ago? Have you ever scratched your head and marveled at how someone could homeschool for three or more decades? Do you ever wish you had an older mama to tell you all the things she did right, wrong, or in between? Then look no more! You have found all of that in Donna Reish’s (aka language arts lady’s) “Our Homeschool History.” A chronological look in ten-minute, bite-sized audios (and videos at YouTube/Instagram) of what our family learned and did during our thirty-two years of homeschooling and home growing our seven children. https://www.languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
#2: Indiana Homeschool Laws 38 Years Ago!
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Welcome to Episode #2 of Our Homeschool History. I don't talk much about politics---ever! But our beginning to homeschooling was very politically and socially-driven (complete with home visits, principal meetings, and much more!). So this episode is about our first year with legal action, Dr. Raymond Moore's visit, fear, and a little politics.
Here is the scoop of today's episode (my only political episode ever--I promise!):
- The first dozen families homeschooling in our little town
- The first Indiana Homeschool Convention
- Home visits, social workers, principal conferences, and more -Spending the day with Dr. Raymond Moore, the founder of Christian
- Homeschooling during his deposition for a Union City family
- Last family standing?
- Umbrella teacher for Ohio families in our area
- Lisa's tailor-made curriculum through Home Grown Kids
- How much I ADORE homeschooling
- Much more!
I have so much to share with you about our thirty-two years of homeschooling!
I want so many great things for you and your students!
Look me up for more information and links to my resources:
Language Arts Lady Blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/
Language Arts Lady Store: https://languageartsladystore.com/
Teachers Pay Teachers Store: https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Language-Arts-Lady-With-Donna-Reish
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUKW-AXDovY&list=PLjS7lbVmIJpx-3kxpeE8ianP4Ux1BX5iE Our
Homeschool History Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/ourhomeschoolhistory
How I Teach Episodes: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelanguageartslady/
Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles): https://languageartsladyblog.com/monday-mini-mail/
10 Minute Grammar Podcast: https://languageartsladyblog.com/10-minute-grammar/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/characterinkhs/_created/
Facebook/Language Arts Lady: https://www.facebook.com/charactertrainingfromtheheart
Punctuation Puzzles: https://languageartsladyblog.com/articles/punctuation-puzzles/
2022-2023 Classes and Tutoring: https://characterinkblog.com/classesandtutoring/
All LAL Freebies: https://languageartsladyblog.com/freebies/
How I Teach iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Friday Nov 25, 2022
#1: Introducing Our Homeschool History
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
- Why a 21 year old young mom who just graduated from college with a teaching degree was drawn to homeschooling
- How we “fell” into homeschooling, which would become a way of life for us
- What homeschooling was like in Indiana in the early 80’s—and how we attended the first state homeschool convention!
- The difficulty in getting materials then (and “under the table” purchases from Christian schools)
- The political climate during the early days
- How we were able to bring my sister up multiple grade levels on one academic year
- Much more!
Look me up for more information and links to my resources:
Our Homeschool History YouTube Channel
Our Homeschool History Episodes on LAL blog
Monday Mini Mail (Archived Articles)

Monday Jul 04, 2022
Sentences, Clauses, and Phrases Part II of II - HIT
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Welcome to HIT—How I Teach….In this episode, I explain my methods for teaching phrases, subject verb agreement, prepositions, and more!
Quick Review of Part I of This Two Part Series (#51):
- CAVES—Capital, All makes sense, Verb, End mark, Subject; how to teach students to
recognize a sentence with that acronym (see my CAVES posters and reference ring cards
here! (https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Sentence-Building-Posters-and-Reference-Rings-Grammar-Posters-6978892) - How to help students memorize MANY subordinators
- The value of using check sentences and mnemonics and clues!
- Using weekly Think Fast Grammar Quizzes from 3rd grade on to memorize parts of
speech (Beginner and Advanced)
On to this week’s content:
- Differences between phrases and clauses
- Reasons for learning prepositions
- How to teach where a prepositional phrase begins and where it ends
- How to teach students more than one hundred prepositions (Hint: Use one
of these packets from my TPT store— Bugs on a Log, Beauty and Beast
Preposition Packet, or Preposition Packet) - Writing with prepositional phrases
- Isolating prepositional phrases to locate and match subject/verb
- Punctuating sentences with prepositional phrase openers
- Much more!
It’s all here in this week’s HIT––where each week, I bring you tips, tricks, and techniques for teaching writing, language arts, grammar, and more (to grades two through twelve) drawing upon my 100+ curriculum books totaling over 50,000 pages.
Note: This lesson came from The Write Right Quick Kit, an upper level, teacher, parent downloadable book!
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Sentences, Clauses, and Phrases - How I Teach
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I explain my methods for teaching sentences and clauses (phrases will be in episode #52).
Here are some of the highlights of this episode:
- CAVES—Capital, All makes sense, Verb, End mark, Subject; how to teach students to recognize a sentence with that acronym (see my CAVES posters and reference ring cards here!) https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Sentence-Building-Posters-and-Reference-Rings-Grammar-Posters-6978892
- Independent clause vs. Dependent clause
- Sentence is independent
- Subordinate clause is dependent
- How to teach students to recognize when they have written a subordinate clause vs. when they have written a sentence
- What are subordinators
- Uses for subordinators
- How to help students memorize MANY subordinators
- The value of using check sentences and mnemonics and clues!
- How to teach the creation of complex sentences using subordinate clauses and real sentences joined legally!
- Much more!
It’s all here in this week’s HIT---where each week, I bring you tips, tricks, and techniques for teaching writing, language arts, grammar, and more (to grades two through twelve) drawing upon my 100+ curriculum books totaling over 50,000 pages.
Note: This lesson came from The Write Right Quick Kit, an upper level, teacher, parent downloadable book!
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I talk about the littles. The second and third graders who aren’t quite through all of their phonics lessons yet (in many cases). The ones who would love to write if someone would take them by the hand and help them.
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Paragraph Break, Paragraph Theory, Paragraph Fun! - How I Teach
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I explain my methods for teaching paragraph breaks and give a lot of my “paragraph theory” and “pre-writing theory.” Paragraph breaks is often a difficult concept for students. And teaching paragraph breaks is also difficult.
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
How I Teach...Five Paragraph Essays/Almost Reports for Junior High
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I continue with more essay teaching for middle school/junior high—but with a “research slat” that helps this age group move from essay writing to report writing. And… you can use the Teacher's Notebook over and over again to teach any three paragraph body (optional opening and closing paragraphs) that are three aspects of one thing!
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I teach a five-paragraph essay—a super-duper fun writing project for students in fourth through eighth grades (with tweaks for going lower or higher in grades for this assignment!). The reason I say it is super-duper fun is because my students light up when they get to write these fun five paragraph types of projects. They are fun essays that lean into research just enough to get students gathering info to make their essays sing!
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Teaching Prepositions to Elementary Students (“Bugs on a Log”) - How I Teach
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, I am (once again!) excited to teach you how I teach! I’m especially excited because this episode involves teaching elementary students. Yay for the littles!
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393

Monday Feb 14, 2022
Outlining and Writing the Q and A Essay (Middle School)- How I Teach
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Welcome to HIT---How I Teach....In this episode, we turn our attention to another mechanism to help students learn to write informational paragraphs. Writing informational paragraphs in which students get information from a source, outline from it, and write a paper in their own words based on that source’s content can be overwhelming. We teach students how to read, comprehend, and synthesize information by using various outlining approaches, mapping, brainstorming, etc.
Find everything you need here!
Weekly broadcast episodes with Teacher's Notebook downloads (and links to listen or watch!) at the Language Arts Lady blog: https://languageartsladyblog.com/howiteach
Master (continually updated) Teacher's Notebook downloadable booklet:https://languageartsladyblog.com/teachersnotebook
Free writing books and videos of me teaching your students for you for a couple of weeks! https://languageartsladyblog.com/5writingfreebies
All of my digital books: https://languageartsladystore.com
How I Teach YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC20OP_HNTUm8eBMNgMh06sQ
How I Teach Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-i-teach/id1552986393